Large Retail/Regional Malls
The firm represented a major real estate investment trust owner of a regional mall in Nassau County.
Right before trial and after exchange of expert reports, we obtained refunds of over $10.5 million. We also assisted in negotiations with a local Industrial Development Agency that facilitated a multi-million expansion, renovations, a PILOT agreement, and the addition of many new jobs.
We also represent department stores in both Nassau and Suffolk counties, as well as operating big box stores and have negotiated substantial benefits utilizing second-generation rent methodology.
We successfully litigated the value of a national department store resulting in Court ordered refunds of approximately $600,000.

Suburban Office
Multi-year litigation on the regional headquarters of a Fortune 500 technology company resulted in over $3.5 million in benefits and a 33% assessment reduction.

Golf & Country Clubs
The firm has successfully represented golf clubs throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Two of our partners were at the forefront of the State’s seminal golf course case. They continue to litigate the value of these properties regularly.
We represented a nationally and internationally ranked golf course in litigation that lasted many months. After a trial, the Court awarded a 60% assessment reduction and estimated refunds of approximately $5 million. The matter is currently being appealed by the assessors.

We represented a Fortune 500 owner of a warehouse and industrial park in central Nassau County. The client received benefits of approximately $11 million and annual taxes were reduced by over 20%.

Self Storage
The firm represents several of the most prominent, national self-storage operators.
We have negotiated and litigated storage values and continue to work with appraisal and business valuation experts to subtract the non-real estate components of these going concerns since they are not subject to property tax under New York State law.