Nassau County Tax Grievance Deadline Extended
February 16, 2023 | Articles & Press Releases

HK would like to inform all of our clients that Nassau County has extended the grievance filing period for the 2024/2025 assessment roll to April 3, 2023. This means that anyone in Nassau County aggrieved by their assessment now has additional time to file a grievance if they wish to challenge their property assessments for the 2024/2025 tax year.
In addition, Nassau County requires owners of class 4 “income-producing property” and property that is owner-occupied, under construction, and/or sold or purchased during each calendar year to file an Annual Survey of Income and Expense (ASIE Statement) on each applicable property. As a reminder, the filing deadline for the 2022 year is also April 3, 2023. We would like to inform our clients that 60-day extension applications are now available online.
We also want to remind our clients that they are able to file previous applications if they have not already been submitted. We strongly recommend each of our clients check the status of their filings, and file if they have not already done so. Individuals are able to view the status of their 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 filings on the ASIE filing portals. Unfortunately, it is not possible to check the status of 2015, 2014, or 2013 filings at this time.
It is important to note that separate statements must be filed for each parcel, except that a consolidated statement may be filed where one or more tax lots are operated together as an economic unit (or otherwise related for valuation purposes), and/or under common ownership and are contiguous, or within the same, or an adjacent tax block. Additionally, a rent roll must be filed with the statement where applicable.
Furthermore, we would like to remind our clients that the filing is imposed upon all owners of commercial property in Nassau County and is independent of the tax appeals they have commenced. Please note that the law as it is currently written imposes penalties for failing to file, or filing improperly, among other defaults. The ASIE Statement MUST be filed electronically via the Nassau County website. HK cannot access the forms and we cannot file the forms for our clients, but we ask that you provide us with a copy so that we are aware of what information the County has been provided on your property.
In conclusion, if you wish to file a grievance or have any questions regarding the ASIE Statement filing, we encourage you to contact HK at your earliest convenience. We are here to assist you and ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable regulations and deadlines.